The latest from Perceptive Communicators
Nightingale lights the way for female engineers - Shirley Evatt
Two centuries ago few women were deemed to have a great influence on society. One who did was Florence Nightingale. Her Notes on Hospitals revolutionised the theory of hospital management and construction. It was her pavilion approach to design that influenced architect David Bryce in 1872 when he was asked to design a new Royal Infirmary for Edinburgh.
Leaders need to be compassionate in lockdown - Caroline Donaldson
Recently I was asked about the key issues for leaders during this Covid-19 crisis. The pandemic has turned our world upside down and words like resilience, mental health, working from home burnout, intensified workloads, zoom fatigue, exhaustion and “no switch off” boundaries are regular features. This is the same for all of us, including the leaders I coach; but the difference is they not only need to lead themselves, but also others in this very challenging time. So what’s important for leaders to consider just now?
Social media plays key role in business growth
As we slowly emerge from a year like no other, it’s exciting to explore the latest social media platforms and new releases set for lift-off. However, while new developments are important to consider, what this year has crystallised more than anything is that the crucial foundations - ‘roots’ - of good social content, remain unchanged.
Lessons learned in adapting and accelerating our business during COVID
No longer solely the preserve of broadcasters, spectrum – airwaves – is the invisible infrastructure that allows devices to communicate wirelessly. Not just mobiles, nowadays just about anything can be connected. Unsurprisingly, spectrum is much in demand.
Shared spectrum is here, but Scotland plc must go further
No longer solely the preserve of broadcasters, spectrum – airwaves – is the invisible infrastructure that allows devices to communicate wirelessly. Not just mobiles, nowadays just about anything can be connected. Unsurprisingly, spectrum is much in demand.
The workplace revolution – work less, play harder?
What do you really want from your life? Pre-pandemic, this was a question that many of us didn’t really give much time to consider.
Creating a challenge culture to deliver positive impact
As an organisation with challenge engrained in our business culture, we are used to taking ourselves out of our comfort zones, however, 2020 still packed quite a punch.
Communications' challenges and opportunities amid coronavirus - comment
The latest lockdown rollercoaster news presents numerous challenges, including how to communicate with employees, customers and stakeholder.
New communities need more than lip service from developers
This year has taught us many things – most of them character-forming as my mother was fond of saying - but one genuinely good thing to have emerged from this pandemic is the curative power of communities to care for each other.
As Grade ‘A’ office space reaches an all time low, it’s time to take stock and build workplaces for the future
A recent report published by CBRE, shows that Grade A office supply in Glasgow has now reached a critically low level and, with just one more modest letting, the city could be left with nothing to offer potential tenants or investors.
Good to give on Giving Tuesday by Iain Marley, Chief Executive, hub West Scotland
Today marks Giving Tuesday, a day of global giving fuelled by the power of social media and collaboration. Last week hub West Scotland launched its annual Winter Warmer Appeal for new warm clothing for children living in poverty.
Innovation can feed the growing appetite for a sustainable food system
By 2050 the world’s population is expected to be close to 10 billion, and with it a serious demand for food. Feeding a growing population is a challenge but so too is doing it in a way that reduces the impact on our planet. So how can we sustainably ensure the world has enough to eat?
Buildings engineered for the future
Conservation engineering is about repairing and preserving what is there. However it can also be about developing the future use and purpose of a building to ensure it remains viable.
Solving the challenge of connecting Scotland’s rural communities
The Shared Rural Network sees the four UK mobile network operators - with considerable financial support from the UK Government and backed by the regulatory heft of Ofcom - come together to make 4G mobile broadband available to 95% of the UK – by 2026.
The homes they are a-changing
Buyers have a greater understanding about interiors and, spending more time at home, want the space to be functional as well as stylish. Home designers and interior specialists are taking note.
Outdoor learning gives children a healthy view of the world
The responsibility of a landscape architect extends beyond creating spaces for today’s group of young learners, it is about sustainable design that will meet the needs of future generations.
Scotland’s recovery hinges on building a green workforce
We need a workforce with an overarching aim to protect the global environment to deliver a green economy. The pace of change is fast and the opportunities for an interesting and rewarding career in the IB sector are wide and diverse.
Why the construction and development sector might dig us out of recession
There are most definitely bright spots – certainly with respect to the construction and development sector in Scotland, which is showing remarkable resilience – and I include Aberdeenshire in that analysis.
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