The latest from Perceptive Communicators
How Scottish Architecture is Making its Mark on Global Design
The proud architecture of Scotland has always reflected social movements, imitated prevailing ideas and influenced design trends across the world. Today, Scottish architecture has to work even harder to provide solutions to some very complex issues that we face; using design to improve this country’s health outcomes, reduce social isolation, foster learning and social mobility, and to bolster economic regeneration.
Setting the Blueprint for Green Workplaces of the Future
Scotland is rapidly approaching its net zero deadline of 2045. When these sorts of targets are set by the government they can seem so far away in the future. To organisations and businesses who are just trying to survive, they can seem irrelevant to the here and now. But in terms of investment, infrastructure, and property, 2045 is just around the corner and must be at the forefront of organisational thinking.
Scaling up to commercialise innovation in Scotland’s Bioeconomy
Today and tomorrow, on 15th and 16th March, biotechnologists will gather in Glasgow for this year’s Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) Conference. Now in its ninth year, the conference is the largest industrial biotechnology event in the UK. The theme of this year’s event, ‘Resilience and the Bioeconomy', will explore what resilience means to companies working within the bioeconomy and how the bioeconomy itself can contribute to resilience in industry and society in general.
Is environmentally friendly low-cost solar energy finally taking its place in the sun?
Pulling on an extra sweater, half filling the kettle to make a cup of tea and religiously turning off the lights are just some of the adjustments we find ourselves making in the face of spiralling energy costs and global warming. With the government’s Energy Price Guarantee Scheme becoming less generous, an ending to the energy bills support scheme for households, and the introduction of the new Energy Discount Schemes for Business (EDSB), we may well collectively take a sharp intake of breath at the thought of even higher energy pricing to come.
No longer just the art of the possible, it's time to recognise 5G opportunities
Business is about people, and business success relies on staying ahead of the competition. New technology like 5G gives businesses the opportunity to seek new possibilities, however it requires the effort and collaboration of people, organisations and industries to make it happen.
Scotland can lead the way on surf research
Scotland has a rich history of academic excellence and has been the leading light in countless fields of research over the centuries. Once again, Scotland has an opportunity to lead. But this time it is far from the laboratories of Fleming or Black.
Instead, it will be on the waves of Scotland’s first, and Europe’s largest, inland surfing lagoon.
Bringing whisky into the 21st century
There are few things more synonymous with Scotland than whisky. It literally puts us Scots on the map. You can be in a bar in the furthermost corner of the earth, and you will see towns and villages from Speyside to Islay represented upon their shelves. It is an unashamed success story which continues to grow.
Winter comes, but Spring is not far behind
This year is the 50th anniversary of Muir Homes building quality homes across Scotland. This landmark comes amidst rising energy prices and an industry bouncing back from the covid pandemic.
Finding a new practicality through uncertain times
COVID-19 pushed businesses and charities across the country to re-evaluate their business and service delivery models. It was a difficult time for many, with businesses struggling to survive restrictions while others were able to adapt and flourish. At Jewish Care Scotland (JCS), a Glasgow-based social care charity offering support to community members across Scotland, we embraced the opportunity to reassess the way we supported people as their needs continued to evolve.
Putting Cancer Cards into the hands of everyone that needs support
Unfortunately over 32,000 people are diagnosed with cancer every year in Scotland. Hearing such a diagnosis is devastating. A one stop shop for information, Cancer Card’s aim is to ensure each and every one of those people who hears the words ‘you have cancer’ quickly and easily find the support that they need.
As we leave 2022 and look forward to 2023 - a call for Leaders to remember themselves!
I find this time of year a great opportunity to reflect on how the year has gone in my business and for me personally, noting achievements, successes and proud moments. It is also a good time to reflect on what could have been done differently as learning and “tweaking” is how we change things for the better.
Real opportunities for businesses across the 5G spectrum
On a recent car journey, I heard a news item about farmers choosing not to sow seeds as they can’t guarantee workers will be available to harvest crops. You reap what you sow and the consequences of this possible inaction in Scotland, when over 70% of its land area is under agricultural management, is a concern.
When will Scotland’s new Passivhaus building standards begin? A briefing on the government’s plan for new homes
Last night at Holyrood, a Ministerial Statement was delivered by Patrick Harvie MSP, Minister for Zero Carbon Buildings, Active Travel and Tenants' Rights, giving further details on the Proposed Domestic Building Environmental Standards (Scotland) Bill and how it will be delivered.
Bridging the gap for Scotland’s next generation construction sector
Recent ONS reports for Scotland’s construction sector show there was a slight increase in construction output for new work. Despite this resilience in the sector, there are still issues which lie in the significant lack of skills within the industry and the difficulty that young people face in accessing jobs.
The diversity of our engineering services is the reason for our strong financial year
Last Christmas, when we went into the final pandemic lockdown, feels like a very distant memory. As we wondered then what the new year might bring, many conversations in the engineering sector were around what the so-called ‘new norm’ would look like.
National Planning Framework 4 and what it means for our economy
Scotland needs more homes. With a shortfall now approaching 100,000 houses since 2007, this is beyond doubt and we require a robust and ambitious plan to put this right. The Scottish Parliament will shortly vote on such a plan, the fourth iteration of the National Planning Framework (NPF4).
The cost of doing business during a Winter Crisis
The cost of living crisis is hitting hard and escalating costs are a significant challenge for businesses across Scotland. With inflation recently hitting a 40-year high and energy costs forecast to increase again in spring, business leaders are facing serious decisions on delivering priorities.
Taking local residents and businesses on our journey to net zero
For Clyde Gateway, Scotland’s most ambitious regeneration project, there has been an increased focus on creating new green spaces. Aside from the many environmental reasons brought into focus throughout COP26 in Glasgow, our investment in new parks is due to the plethora of benefits they provide to both families and businesses.
ESG helps create robust businesses that can deliver not for profit goals
The only thing I love more than being on a surfboard is taking the opportunity to be an ambassador for the sport’s development in Scotland. My recent ambassadorial trip to California to speak at the International Surf Therapy Organisation’s conference on mental health was one of my best experiences of being able to showcase Scotland to the world.
Future gazing following Connected Britain and Digital Scotland
The eyes of the world watched as the combination of centuries of tradition and ceremony combined to celebrate the life of Queen Elizabeth and lay her to rest.
It’s impressive that the world-first for live TV news using shared radio spectrum was made possible by an innovative private network, designed and deployed by experts from the software-defined radio (StrathSDR) team, one of The Scotland 5G Centre’s funded projects, and part of the University of Strathclyde.
News and blogs
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