Event Management

Event Management

Perceptive Communicators provide event management services to help organise your perfect event. We have experience of arranging events for clients throughout Scotland and across the UK.

We focus on results – creating well-planned prestigious events that can help you build relationships with your customers, drive sales and boost your brand awareness.

From delegate management to venue and speaker sourcing, we offer a fully integrated and cost-effective event management package. We work with you every step of the way to ensure your event goes to plan and achieves its purpose.

Stephen Good - Chief Executive, Construction Scotland Innovation Centre

Perceptive Communicators provided event organisation and both traditional and social media support for the launch of Construction Scotland Innovation Centre and rose to the challenge admirably under demanding circumstances due to tight timescales and multiple stakeholders. Their approach was professional and well organised and the event was a resounding success due in no small part to their hard work.

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