The latest from Perceptive Communicators
Positive discrimination is the only way address the gender pay gap
Just a couple of months ago on International Women’s Day, my Twitter feed was full of companies publicly posting support, encouragement and thanks to their female staff. I also follow the Gender Pay Gap Bot (which automatically retweets all IWD tweets along with the actual gender pay gap for that company) and the hypocrisy was clear for all to see. When you consider that the first IWD was in 1911, it’s exhausting that we are still seeing the stark disparity that remains. Over 100 years of shining a light, but clearly, there is still more to do.
Bridging the gap for Scotland’s next generation construction sector
Recent ONS reports for Scotland’s construction sector show there was a slight increase in construction output for new work. Despite this resilience in the sector, there are still issues which lie in the significant lack of skills within the industry and the difficulty that young people face in accessing jobs.
More investment in green skills will help us achieve economic and net zero targets
Scotland is a global powerhouse for biotechnology innovation and entrepreneurship. Our strengths in this area have driven the establishment of a thriving industry with approximately 250 active companies and a sector worth an estimated £750 million.
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