The latest from Perceptive Communicators

Guest Blogs Paul Coffey Guest Blogs Paul Coffey

What makes 5G so special?

With Everest base camp now gaining 5G coverage - we can now recognise that 5G is on the world stage and its stock is high. There is a lot of talk about the benefits of 5G for economic growth and it being a key enabler for Scotland’s digital transformation. These conversations are now taking place at local and regional level as businesses are keen to learn exactly how 5G could supercharge their productivity.

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Guest Blogs Frankie Healy Guest Blogs Frankie Healy

A digital agency still needs a collaborative work space

My digital agency turns five years old this month and I am proud of everything we have achieved in half a decade. Little did I think we would be faced with operating in a global pandemic, nor would I have predicted that we could significantly grow the business in such an unprecedented and challenging time.

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Guest Blogs Diane Harbison Guest Blogs Diane Harbison

Genome sequencing is key to fighting disease

In the middle of the pandemic, October last year marked 20 years since the sequence of the human genome was published. This publicly funded project was established to determine the DNA sequence of the entire human genome. The bold claim made by Bill Clinton was that the human genome project would “revolutionise the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of most, if not all, human diseases” So how close have we come to those claims becoming a reality?

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Guest Blogs Devin Scobie Guest Blogs Devin Scobie

Lobbying in a virtual world

Voters will head to the polls next Thursday to elect 129 Members of the Scottish Parliament (MSPs) in what is expected to be a hugely significant and somewhat different election. The recovery from the coronavirus pandemic and Scottish independence are easily the two biggest issues of the campaign so far. This will be the sixth election in its history and probably the most significant since devolution in 1999.

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Guest Blogs Neil Bancroft Guest Blogs Neil Bancroft

Nature-based solutions are part of the answer to the climate crisis

On Thursday we mark World Earth Day, the annual call-to-action to take whatever steps we can to heal our planet. The theme this year is ‘restore our Earth’, an imperative that conveys both the urgency of the situation and the suggestion that it is not yet too late to make a difference and to stop squandering our natural capital – the ecosystems, soils, freshwater, air and oceans on which we depend.

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Guest Blogs Amy Wimpenny Guest Blogs Amy Wimpenny

The rise of 20-minute neighbourhoods could reinvigorate local communities

The last twelve months have seen a dramatic change to the way we live and work. Never have we all spent so much time in and around our local area. The concept of 20-minute neighbourhoods was underway in pioneer cities such as Paris, Melbourne and Portland, long before we had ever heard of Covid, but no one can deny the pandemic has shone a spotlight on the importance of the ‘liveability’ of our neighbourhoods.

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Guest Blogs Jenny Campbell Guest Blogs Jenny Campbell

Enabling resilience is an imperative now

According to a recent YouGov study, 42% of us are feeling stressed and only 24% are feeling optimistic. In our current Covid world these results are hardly surprising but as a leader, what can you do about it? I have spent the last 14 years researching resilience, which creates capacity for navigating uncertainty in healthy and effective ways. Resilience is about adaptability; the measure of resilience is your capacity for change.

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Guest Blogs Shirley Evatt Guest Blogs Shirley Evatt

Nightingale lights the way for female engineers - Shirley Evatt

Two centuries ago few women were deemed to have a great influence on society. One who did was Florence Nightingale. Her Notes on Hospitals revolutionised the theory of hospital management and construction. It was her pavilion approach to design that influenced architect David Bryce in 1872 when he was asked to design a new Royal Infirmary for Edinburgh.

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Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson Guest Blogs Caroline Donaldson

Leaders need to be compassionate in lockdown - Caroline Donaldson

Recently I was asked about the key issues for leaders during this Covid-19 crisis. The pandemic has turned our world upside down and words like resilience, mental health, working from home burnout, intensified workloads, zoom fatigue, exhaustion and “no switch off” boundaries are regular features. This is the same for all of us, including the leaders I coach; but the difference is they not only need to lead themselves, but also others in this very challenging time. So what’s important for leaders to consider just now?

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Guest Blogs Mike Christoforou Guest Blogs Mike Christoforou

Social media plays key role in business growth

As we slowly emerge from a year like no other, it’s exciting to explore the latest social media platforms and new releases set for lift-off. However, while new developments are important to consider, what this year has crystallised more than anything is that the crucial foundations - ‘roots’ - of good social content, remain unchanged.

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