The latest from Perceptive Communicators
Unlocking community engagement
We are in the grip of a nationwide housing crisis, yet recent figures reveal that the timescale for average planning application is four times longer than the Government target. While this is clearly an issue for developers, why should this be an issue for those beyond the industry?
Building Tomorrow: How Planning Can Help To Tackle Scotland's Housing Crisis
We’ve recently seen Scotland’s largest cities - Edinburgh and Glasgow - declare housing emergencies. This reflects the harsh reality across the country and there is no doubt more declarations are to follow.
National Planning Framework 4 and what it means for our economy
Scotland needs more homes. With a shortfall now approaching 100,000 houses since 2007, this is beyond doubt and we require a robust and ambitious plan to put this right. The Scottish Parliament will shortly vote on such a plan, the fourth iteration of the National Planning Framework (NPF4).
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