The latest from Perceptive Communicators

Client News Perceptive Communicators Client News Perceptive Communicators

Sciennes Primary School extension officially awarded Passivhaus certification and wins three prestigious industry accolades

A Passivhaus-designed extension to an Edinburgh school has been officially recognised as a first of its kind in the city, receiving recognition for its groundbreaking use of energy- efficient design and materials, including cross-laminated timber (CLT).

The extension to Sciennes Primary School, located in the popular and busy Marchmont area of the capital, has officially achieved Passivhaus certification from the Passivhaus Institute, following rigorous quality checks of the £3.2million two-storey extension to the Grade B listed building.

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Guest Blogs Richard Campbell Guest Blogs Richard Campbell

Bringing whisky into the 21st century

There are few things more synonymous with Scotland than whisky. It literally puts us Scots on the map. You can be in a bar in the furthermost corner of the earth, and you will see towns and villages from Speyside to Islay represented upon their shelves. It is an unashamed success story which continues to grow.

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