The latest from Perceptive Communicators

Guest Blogs Ciara Johnstone Guest Blogs Ciara Johnstone

Unleashing the potential of the construction industry

According to the Construction Skills Network, the UK needs an additional 225,000 workers to meet construction demand by 2027. Finding enough people with the right skills has been plaguing businesses large and small and ultimately holding back the industry for years. But there remains immense untapped potential in women.

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Guest Blogs Andy Hadden Guest Blogs Andy Hadden

The path to building a thriving business

Proving your business is sustainable financially was historically always the key point when dealing with investors and trying to get your business off the ground. Of course, this still remains the most fundamental pillar of any investor's decision. But nowadays, many investors want to know that their money is going into a project that they can be proud of, and is supporting a well being economy that prioritises people and planet.

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Guest Blogs Martin McKay Guest Blogs Martin McKay

Jobs and communities must be at the heart of net zero

Often we talk about the importance of achieving net zero in terms of how inaction could be disastrous for our planet. We see in the news the actions that are having impacts on our ecosystems and the imperativeness to address these. But we need to talk about the benefits this transition can bring to our communities too. More importantly, we need to deliver them.

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