The latest from Perceptive Communicators
Iconic Bridgeton Umbrella returns to heart of local community after £400,000 restoration
The return of the iconic Bridgeton Umbrella has been marked with a celebration ceremony after significant restoration works on the Category A listed, Victorian era bandstand. The intricate cast iron structure has been a feature and focal point of the local area since it was gifted to the city by a local company in 1875.
The Glasgow Legacy Remains Strong
Glasgow has once again played host to a successful sporting event with a global audience. The inaugural UCI World Cycling Championships joins a long list of triumphs in recent years, with the Commonwealth Games, Euro 2020, and the European Indoor Athletics Championships all coming to our city.
Jobs and communities must be at the heart of net zero
Often we talk about the importance of achieving net zero in terms of how inaction could be disastrous for our planet. We see in the news the actions that are having impacts on our ecosystems and the imperativeness to address these. But we need to talk about the benefits this transition can bring to our communities too. More importantly, we need to deliver them.
Setting the Blueprint for Green Workplaces of the Future
Scotland is rapidly approaching its net zero deadline of 2045. When these sorts of targets are set by the government they can seem so far away in the future. To organisations and businesses who are just trying to survive, they can seem irrelevant to the here and now. But in terms of investment, infrastructure, and property, 2045 is just around the corner and must be at the forefront of organisational thinking.
Communications consultancy Perceptive Communicators wins four new contracts
Award-winning Glasgow-based communications consultancy Perceptive Communicators has won four new contracts to deliver communications services. This new business is for three new clients, hub South West Scotland, Forster Group and Industrial Biotechnology Innovation Centre (IBioIC) and has secured a re-appointment with existing client, The Scotland 5G Centre.
Investing in green spaces benefits everyone in Clyde Gateway
Glasgow is rightly known as the “dear green place” due to the city boasting more than 90 parks and gardens. Afterall, our oldest park, a stone’s throw from the city centre, is simply known as Glasgow Green.
For many Glaswegians, the renowned Glasgow Garden Festival in 1988 is etched in our memories. It is incredible that a temporary exhibition has weaved itself into the fabric of the city. For me, it also serves as a reminder that we must continue to ensure that people living in or visiting Scotland’s largest city have easy access to green spaces.
Clyde Gateway is a key partner in pan-European heating and cooling project aiming to reduce energy costs
When I travel to Paris this week for the next meeting of the D2 Grids Steering Committee, an Interreg North-West Europe funded project, I will be updating fellow members on the incredible progress being made in Glasgow on our Green Regeneration Innovation District (GRID) which includes Clyde Gateway’s own pilot for an innovative and sustainable renewable energy project.
Hospital design is key to health and wellbeing
What is a hospital’s primary purpose? To offer a diagnosis for disease. To treat the sick and injured. Or to provide shelter in a series of buildings for those during periods of treatment. Some define a hospital’s primary purpose as catering for the wellbeing of all.
Pre-election period requires careful consideration of communications activities
The UK is gearing up for its next set of elections where, on 5 May, voters will head to polling stations. In England, the outcome of local and mayoral elections will be decided, and Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) will be elected to the Stormont. In Scotland and Wales, the makeup of councils will be determined in local elections.
Home is the new Office
Homeworking or a combination of work split between home and office is here to stay. All the evidence points to the hybrid work pattern remaining, and indeed growing for the foreseeable future. Home is indeed the new office.
Being Dealt the Cancer Card Created a New Community
In our lifetime, one in two of us will hear those three little words ‘You have cancer’. It’s a life changing, devastating moment in time, no matter if you are a wealthy CEO or barely started school.
Developing new homes for the future
I have been in and around building sites since I was a boy and have worked, and continue to work in all sectors of the architecture/construction industry (large and small). So, it might seem rather surprising that even after more than 30 years in the sector, as an architect and also as a developer, I am still thrilled and excited when I see our design, planning and building know-how crystallise in a new housing development.
Highlands are paying too high a price for energy
As inflation rises beyond six per cent, the soaring cost of living is becoming a real crisis. Many of our tenants at Albyn Housing Society were last week looking for Chancellor Rishi Sunak to use his Spring Statement to announce measures to reduce living costs rather than installing a price cap that keeps energy prices at rates that some people already cannot pay.
ESG Credentials Will Pave the Way For Our Future Of Work
The pandemic, a renewed focus on climate change following COP26, and the growing interest in ESG (environment, social and governance) credentials are all contributing to our changing world of work.
Why Training is Essential for Construction's Future
Scotland’s construction industry carries a huge responsibility. Not only is it being called upon to deliver up to 25,000 new homes annually to meet current demand, but it also has a significant part to play in lowering the country’s carbon footprint and helping it to meet ambitious environmental targets.
Raising Scotland’s Life Sciences Ambitions
As we prepare to celebrate International Women’s Day this year, I am still glowing with pride having watched the Scottish women that came, curled and conquered at the recent Beijing Olympics. I also remember the 15,000 women who took to the streets of New York over a century ago demanding better working conditions, inaugurating this day to celebrate women.
Raising Scotland’s Life Sciences Ambitions
On the back of the Pandemic, life sciences are riding high. The speed at which vaccines have been developed and supply chains built has shown the potential and agility of this sector. Last year the UK’s biotech industries attracted £4.5bn in funding – a rise of £1.7bn on the 2020 figure, with Venture Capital companies, who historically were nervous of the risks involved, now investing at record levels.
The charity garden is starting to grow again
After two years of uncertainty, charities are hoping that 2022 will bring more stability to the sector. Like every business in the UK, fundraising organisations have had to adapt to the constantly-changing landscape as the country has shut down, re-opened and shut down again in successive waves.
Bridging the electric vehicle charging hubs gap
The race to achieve net-zero emissions targets is on and decarbonising the transport sector - as Scotland’s largest source of emissions - heavily depends on the mass rollout of electric vehicles, and crucially, the availability and prowess of electric vehicle charging infrastructure.
Retrofitting buildings is the greenest strategy
The construction sector contributes hugely to global CO2 emissions and this is something the industry is currently doing its utmost to address. One solution is the refurbishment and retrofit of existing buildings.
News and blogs
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